Virtual Lab - Microbiology
STI - Vaginal Swab/Group B Strep

Specimen Collection

Vaginal Swab for Group B Streptococcus Requisition

Click on the swab that corresponds with the requisition

Specimen Collection - image

Click on image to download the full vaginal swab patient information sheet

Swab 1

Swab 1

Name: Elise Sorenson
Unique #: 71348
DOB: 05/07/1989
Specimen: Vaginal Swab
Lab#: G314
Test requested: Group B Strep

Swab 2

Swab 2

Name: Elise Stevenson
Unique #: 71388
DOB: 11/05/1965
Specimen: Vaginal swab
Lab#: G413
Test requested: Group B Strep

Swab 3

Swab 3

Name: Elise Sorenson
Unique #: 71348
DOB: 05/07/1989
Specimen: Cervical swab
Lab#: G315
Test requested: Culture and sensitivity

Swab 4

Swab 4

Name: Elton Sorenson
Unique #: 48248
DOB: 05/08/1989
Specimen: Urethral swab
Lab#: G143
Test requested: Culture and sensitivity

Swab 5

Swab 5

Name: Paula Thompson
Unique #: 58248
DOB: 11/05/1990
Specimen: Vaginal swab
Lab#: G443
Test requested: Group B Strep

Swab 6

Swab 6

Name: Elise Sorenson
Unique #: 71348
DOB: 05/07/1989
Specimen: Urine
Lab#: U112
Test requested: Culture and sensitivity

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